Legendary bar Kitxen says goodbye

Kitxen says goodbye

After 15 years of prosperity and musical creativity, the historic restaurant Kitxen has decided to close its doors permanently. The bar was very well known in the city for having live music performances every single evening. A great ambiance and a loyal clientele made it a welcoming and charming space.

Unfortunately, the project that started Kitxen drifted far and far apart from the path Playa del Carmen followed in the last few years. With a final blow by 2020’s crisis, Saúl and Júlia decided this was the moment to finish a chapter and had its final night on November 29.

Kitxen’s farewell message

Friends and family of Kitxen,

We have decided that Kitxen in Playa del Carmen will close its doors for good. We started this project in 2005 when we landed on the Quinta Avenida with spontaneity and enthusiasm. Since then, our project has aimed at keeping Playa del Carmen with its romantic and bohemian spirit, as it once had. We miss it, and that Caribbean is more and more absent.

After 15 unforgettable years, we do not identify with the Quinta Avenida anymore. Especially after the changes that happened in the last few years. We feel far apart from what moved us to start Kitxen, our dream.

We thank all that Playa has been giving us during all these years. Now it is a new time, and we will also keep looking for newer routes, fresher, and healthier.

As this journey ends, we want to thank everyone who supported us for this time, everyone who was alongside us. It has been absolutely magical, inspiring, and musical. Thank you to all the bands who made Kitxen a space of freedom and creation. Thank you to all the staff who worked side by side. Above all, we are grateful to our clients. Together, we made a small History.

Soon we’ll meet again.

Let’s make music not war.
With love,

Júlia and Saúl

Reactions and support messages

The sudden news did not leave Playa del Carmen indifferent. Their communiqué received about 1,000 comments and shares, with messages of affection and sadness.

For example, here are the kind words of Elle, a Playa resident:

It is so sad. I really identify with this message 💔. Thank you Saúl for so much hospitality. For never saying no to a photo, or an autograph. Even when you were on that line in a carousel, when your kids and my daughter were waiting to have a fun time. Always smiling, giving so much to Playa. Congratulations my good Caifan 💖.

Another example, Josef, another loyal friend of Kitxen, said the following:

Thank you so much, for being a bastion of harmonious musical coexistence. Without doubt, I had so many magical and unique moments in Kitxen, year after year. After this, I will miss that sense of communion, and great friendships. I wish you luck with your next projects. Success and Rock!

Even many foreign visitors lamented the closure with words like:

😔 One of my favourite places to visit every time I come to Playa. Thanks for all the fun memories”. Julie.

Also read: The route of the Mayan Jaguar will go to Chetumal to support children with Cancer.

Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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