An amazing place to get an excellent massage in Playa Del Carmen!

As promised…the continuation of my story!
The Best Massage
After my unpleasant aftertaste of my first massage in paradise, I decided to take my time to discover the gem among all these massage and spa places. I did not need to hurry up as I did not come for vacations but to settle in Playa Del Carmen!
I met many people, asked them about a trustful and professional place to go. Most of them pointed to the ones on the beach. As you imagine, I was not very prone to go back there. At the end, no trustable place or no place I wanted to go to! Until that day… that specific day I met a Mexican woman who recommended me one place, one single place, right in the downtown. She told me the massagers were very competent and professional. So far, it was not very different from the other shops, they all say that, don’t they?
She detailed me that every worker has a specialty. Almost all of them studied in different countries to learn different techniques. What retained my interest was the following point: they listen to the body to locate the pain-if there is pain-and work according to it.
It was all I needed for my back! Someone really able to determine without me stating where, how much and why my back was hurting!
I went there to check out if it is was true or just another trick to appeal the tourist. I talked with the employees and the manager. I decided to give them a chance.
The first massage they gave me was a Swedish one. It is soft and relaxing. Through it the massager can feel all your painful points. She massaged my entire body from top to the bottom. I was feeling so good. After it, she asked me to come back another time because my body was not ready as it was the first time to receive a harder treatment to take off the knots. This simple sentence convinced me that she was deeply concerned about the well-being of my body. She never hurt me, she only relaxed me taking into consideration my physical condition of that moment.
Relax is today’s objective!


I came back few days after for the second massage. This one was called “olistico”. It means that they provide an individualized attentionand a care adapted to your needs. They often pinpoint that bodies must be treated in a personalized way as they are all different from each other, their needs as well. I deeply believe them. Giving food to someone’s thirsty is totally useless. The same concept must be applied to massages.
During this session, my official massager Marina first prepared my body to be massaged: Scent, oil, warmth, relaxing and soft movements. Little by little, she localized all my strained muscles and started to work on the hugest ones. One after the other, I could feel the pain going away. The more she was touching my back, the less pain I was feeling. When she finished, my body was released from knots. The following night, I perfectly slept. The next morning, when I got up, my body did not hurt as much as usual.  I still could feel some pain but much less than before. Obviously, it is not possible to take away an 8-month pain in one hour. Since that result, I have gone back regularly. Their professional and techniques hands have provided wonderful beneficial effects for my body. I feel lighter. I do not have to wear that heavy weight in my back anymore.
I also appreciate the place. First, it is in the downtown, no bus, no bicycle, no long walk are needed to reach the place. Secondly, the shop provides intimacy. In fact, it is a bit in retreat of the crowd and of the city activity. The entrance is discreet and provides a peaceful feeling.
Inside, the place is rather small. However, it is well organized: one space is fully dedicated to the massages, another one for the pedicure and manicure, another one for the hair braids etc.
The size of the company confirms that their aim is not to intermingle thousands of tourists but to sincerely offer the best service ever. And I can insure you they do it with their entire heart.
If you are interested in checking it out, here is the direction: onthe 4thstreet, between the beach and the 5th Avenue. It is called “the Day Spa”located next to a diving shop, on the right side.
I hope you will have the chance to enjoy this place as much as I do.
(To read the first part, please check  A good massage in Playa del Carmen out).
Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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