World Famous Delivery Service Now in Playa!

Uber Eats has started operating in Playa del Carmen, with 100 restaurants offering all kinds of cuisine and price ranges .

The tool used to carry various dishes from anywhere with the press of a button, has managed to operate in 350 cities and 36 countries, globally.

In just one year, it achieved sales of 2.1 billion dollars, which meant 17 percent of Uber’s total earnings. In 2018, about 3 million people downloaded the app.

In Cancun, in just one year that this tool began to operate, it went from 70 restaurants that started to 500, in addition the coverage doubled, so the Playa del Carmen market generates great expectations for this application.

The representative of Uber Eats in southern Mexico, María Ortíz, explained that this application has 300,000 delivery partners and 200,000 restaurants have already been integrated, which are helped to grow their business, as it is about reducing the bankruptcy of those who barely start a business.

He cited the success story of a sushi restaurant located in Cancun “Kizushi”, where the owner Manuel saved his business from closing thanks to the use of this application, today he is about to open his second branch.

Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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