More than 100 Sea Turtle Babies Hatch at MAHÉKAL BEACH

According to EON- Enhanced Online News- -Mahékal Beach, which is one of the few remaining beachfront palapas style resorts in Mexico, is excited to announce the third laying of Loggerhead sea turtle eggs on the beach in less than two years. Last summer more than 200 baby turtles, and on June 30th of this year another turtle came to the resort to lay her eggs at Mahekal’s beach. Several guests had the unique opportunity to see her arrival, watch her dig her nest, lay more than 100 eggs, and then depart into the Caribbean Sea.

Loggerhead turtles weigh between 200 – 500 lbs and grow to almost 4 feet in length. Nesting season on the Coast of Quintana Roo is May through October during which females will lay approximately 120 round, white, eggs per nest. The eggs hatch in about 60 days.

To increase the chances of survival, Mahékal Beach Resort and local authorities participate in a protection program so the eggs are not lost to natural predators. A “corral” surrounds the nest for protection during the incubation period. “The eggs are expected to hatch between the fourth week of August and the first week of September,” said Emilio Palazuelos, general manager at Mahékal Beach Resort. “Travelers interested in witnessing and participating in this once in a lifetime experience are encouraged plan a trip to the resort during that time. There will be much celebration surrounding this occasion and we will be inviting our guests to name and personally release each baby sea turtle into the Caribbean Sea.”

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Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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