For those of us who live here, we understand the absurdity of the ‘insecurity’ issue here. It seems as though every time anything happens here it makes it to the front pages of some US newspaper.
The overall crime rate here is on par with the US on nearly all levels. Take out extremely dangerous cities along the border and Mexico is a much safer place to live.
The Yucatan has a crime rate on par with the state of Wyoming.
But we digress.
Over the last 2 weeks the soccer world has been watching as the under 17 world cup has been hosted in sites all over Mexico. ‘What about the insecurity?’ they asked. ‘Would the teams be safe?’ some asked.
Mexico is a safe country. Just as you might not pick Detroit for your next vacation destination, there are a few places here that should not be on the top of the list. But as the last 2 weeks have shown (again), the major cities are places where people work, live, and play sports just like they do in any place on earth.
One small step for sports, one giant leap for the truth.