Jurassic Park has hit the blockbuster with the best score ever known: Orissa News

Dinosaurs have always earned the best place in the world of blockbusters. The Jurassic World and its best scores are hitting million hits in the world of Hollywood industry. Orissa news is covering the new kid in the block. This is like old wine in the new bottle. This is a big success for the production house Universal Pictures. Jurassic Park has hit the score board of US 524.1 million dollar on the weekend blockbuster. Orissa News is covering the news report with very die hard stuff.

The actors are completely overwhelmed: Odisha News

The actors like Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard has been overwhelmed by the attractive reports from the public. Jurassic Park is a very powerful crowd drawer and has drawn the crowd to a new level. The Jurassic World was quite dormant in the recent years. According to Odisha news, The last series of Jurassic Park has created a very big impact on the mind and hearts of the people. The new generation has shown humongous interest in this movie.

Jurassic world has hit the score board of new generation: Orissa News

The moviegoers have increased in number than the last series. The Jurassic World has turned out to be a very powerful and well known 3D movie. The news coverage of Odisha news is all about the updates on this new series. Yes! Universal Pictures is on this hit run and want to create a sequel to this movie. The news cover of the Jurassic World has crossed the box office records of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 2. According to the Orissa News, the world record of this movie has hit USD 5.1 billion worldwide.

Odisha News is keeping up with this hit machine of Entertainment world

Orissa Samaya keeps the updates of the latest news and its whereabouts. Entertainment world on international level is changing and enhancing itself with new movies and films. The world of 3D is acting as a catalyst to provide the best support ever. Orissa news says that the franchise of Jurassic Park is being rightly complimented by this new movie Jurassic World after 15 years of prolonged patience. The new group of movie goers was quite young when, the Jurassic Park and its franchise hit the cinema theaters. This movie has actually nailed the last franchise.

A sequel is on the way: Orissa News

The famous actor Chris Pratt has confirmed a sequel. According to Orissa news, this 35 year old actor has confirmed the press of the new sequel which is on the league. This new science-fiction movie is much advanced and has hooked the new generation on a very high level. The actor has been casted with Bryce Dallas Howard and both the actors have pulled the movie on a very compatible manner. The chemistry of both the actors, in the movie, where outstanding; along with the Dinosaurs, Jurassic World is definitely going to create a legend in the 21st Century. The director Colin Trevorrow is highly overwhelmed and humbled.

He is a thinker, a novelist and a curious case. His writings have created mass attraction on the web world. A very profound writer of Orissa news; he is covering the latest trends of the changing season.

His news coverage for Odisha news is really sensational.

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Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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