DIY Mosquito Repellents

Some aromatic plants, such as basil or condiments such as clove, will help you control mosquitoes entering your home.

Summer, heat, and now epidemic risk. Mosquitoes are annoying and dangerous, so everything we do to eliminate or scare them away is small.

Below we detail some of the most effective recipes so that you can leave out annoying mosquitoes.


They say it is the most effective mosquito repellent. You will need baby shampoo, 1 liter of water and 30 units of clove. Make an infusion with the clove and water, strain and pour into the shampoo until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Apply on all skin that is exposed to insects (arms, face and feet).


For this recipe you will need 250 grams of eucalyptus leaves and 1 liter of water. Boil both ingredients for 45 minutes so that the leaves can release all their essence. When it is still hot, pour in damp areas of the house and, above all, in the door and window frames. This will ensure that mosquitoes do not enter.


You need 250 grams of chamomile flowers and water (amount needed). Wash chamomile well and rub it on the skin. Repeat every two hours.


It is advisable for babies and children because it is very soft and effective. They are the favorite of mosquitoes, because they don’t know how to defend themselves. The ingredients are: 100 ml of almond oil, 20 drops of geranium essence and 20 drops of basil essence. Make a mixture with all three and apply on the skin.


You need 100 ml of lavender oil and a skin moisturizer. Make a mixture with both and apply directly. You will feel freshness and protect yourself from mosquitoes.


They say it is one of the elements that most repels mosquitoes and other insects. You can get their oil as a spray, lotion and wipes to prevent insects from bothering you and your family.

Other tips to repel mosquitoes

Place several mint leaves in the yard, garden or inside the house. You can crush them with a few drops of water to release more smell.

Always have a fresh basil plant and place it in the rooms so that mosquitoes do not enter. This aromatic plant is not liked by insects, so it is also used in the gardens as a “living fence”.

Put some water and some chopped garlic cloves in a bowl. Let macerate a few hours and pour in a spray. Spray throughout the house, especially in curtains and vertices of doors and windows. Garlic sulfur repels mosquitoes, flies, ticks and fleas.

Consume large amounts of vitamin C per day, especially if you are outdoors. It is soluble and does not accumulate in the body, so you will eliminate more sweat, hated by mosquitoes.

Place a glass of vinegar next to the window. The strong smell will make no insect want to approach, much less enter.

Eat foods rich in vitamin B, such as lentils, almonds and mushrooms.

Use spray bottles with basil to “scare mosquitoes”.

Other interesting oils such as mosquito repellents are castor, rosemary, pine, verbena, thyme, cloves, geranium and cedar.

Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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