Cancun growth outpaces competitors in the Americas

Cancun is expected to be the strongest growing city in 2017 in the Americas, reveals Euromonitor International research for World Travel Market London – the leading global event for the travel industry – released today (Tuesday 7 November) at WTM London.

While the US remains the largest source market, Mexico is becoming increasingly popular with visitors from Europe and Asia, says the Top 100 City Destination Ranking WTM London Edition, by Euromonitor International.

In 2016, the Mexican resort city of Cancun welcomed 5.8 million international arrivals and the report forecasts this will reach 6.8 million in 2017 – up by 16% year-on-year.

It means the city will rise five places in the global rankings to 32.

The surge in arrivals is predicted to continue, and reach 7.6 million in 2020, and nine million in 2025. Many parts of the Caribbean have been devastated by hurricanes this year, particularly Irma, Maria and Nate, with the latter causing the Foreign and Commonwealth to issue advice to travellers about hazardous weather conditions in Cancun and the surrounding regions.

The report says the second fastest growing city in the Americas will be Toronto, up 11% year-on-year during 2017; followed by Mexico City (9%); Vancouver (6.6%) and Punta Cana (6.5%).

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Eduardo from All About Playa

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