Who: Gilbert Holland (author) of the District.
Where, when, why: Fears of crime and reservations about eating local food had made me wary of traveling in Mexico until my friends Lynn and Rob Ramsey invited me to visit them in their new home in San Miguel de Allende, a former silver-mining town in the central highlands of Mexico. From the day I arrived, those fears proved to be completely unfounded, and a week in March was the perfect time to explore the city and its colorful Spanish colonial architecture.
[button link=”https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/travel/a-first-time-visit-to-mexico-includes-margaritas-and-frida-mania/2017/08/03/91887626-6b3b-11e7-b9e2-2056e768a7e5_story.html?utm_term=.5011f2096f86″ size=”small” text_size=”gamma” newtab=”on”]Read more[/button]