3 truly Mexican restaurants in Playa del Carmen

Mexican food is internationally recognized and if this is your first time in Playa del Carmen I am sure you will be looking to try some truly Mexican restaurants in Playa del Carmen.

The recommendations I am going to give you, are restaurants that have been in Playa del Carmen since I arrived. This means that they have been in town for more than 16 years.

Something important to clarify is that these restaurants are not the fanciest ones, far from it. They are restaurants frequented by locals and have earned the affection of the people. Now we could say that they are emblematic of Playa del Carmen.

1.- El Fogon (Tacos al Pastor)


One of the most popular foods among Mexicans. There are too many options within the 5th avenue, but as a person who has lived for more than 15 years in Playa del Carmen, I can tell you, there is no better tacos al pastor than those at Fogon.

The taquería has 2 branches in Playa del Carmen, don’t worry, both guarantee an exquisite taste. But in my opinion, the best is the one located on 6th street south and 30th avenue.

In both branches you can find the classic tacos al pastor, each taco costs 1 dollar. One dish you can’t leave without trying is the famous “Taco Loco”. The “Taco Loco” is a taco of approximately 30 cm, filled with carne al pastor, beef steak, pork steak, and cheese, all this while rolled in bacon.

This is accompanied by a cold beer, believe me, it will change your opinion about tacos made in the USA.

They Usually open at 3 PM.

2.- Antojitos “Sandra”


This place is perfect for authentic Yucatan breakfast food. If you haven’t tried empanadas this is the perfect place to try them. If you don’t know what an empanada is, imagine a tortilla fried in oil-filled with cheese, ground beef, chicken, etc.

Other Yucatecan antojitos that you can’t leave without trying are panuchos and salbutes. When you order them, you will probably think they are exactly the same. But they are not, I am not going to tell you the differences, it would be better for you to discover them for yourself. The menu is quite varied, but almost all of them are regional dishes from the Yucatán peninsula.

This restaurant is located on 4th street between 20th and 25th. The prices per empanada are around 60 cents.


3.- La Tarraya fish market

This restaurant boasts of being one of the first in Playa del Carmen. The furniture and the location of the restaurant make you feel as if you were inside a fisherman’s club. The truth is that it is quite cozy. La Tarraya is well known for its good service and fresh ingredients.

Its location is privileged, as it is right on the seashore. Here you can enjoy fried fish on the seashore. The place has tables on the sand, which allows you to leave your things there and go for a dip in the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea.

The prices are quite affordable for the location of the restaurant. I recommend ordering a fried fish with an ice-cold beer.

One thing you should know is that this restaurant fills up very quickly, and you will probably have to wait an extra 5 minutes for your food.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, these are not the fanciest restaurants in Playa del Carmen, but they are restaurants that have been here for years and the main reason is that they taste pretty good!

If you find yourself in Playa del Carmen and want some recommendations, feel free to send us a message! We’ll do our best to make sure you enjoy this beautiful paradise.

Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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