Top 5 reasons Why you should own an investment property in Playa

You’ve been to Playa many times, you love the place and you keep paying and paying high rates every time you come, one day it suddenly hits you… Why is another person making money off of you every single time you come? Why is it not you making the money off of other people that visit this paradisiac place? you could own your own place and not pay anyone else, plus make money all-year round!

You may be interested in buying an investment property, While stories of buy and flips—buying a home, renovating it, and reselling at a much higher price—are a hit in TV reality shows, renting is the true core of real estate investing.  Renting generates a steady monthly paycheck!

Reason 1 

It’s Playa del Carmen!

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It’s Playa del Carmen! one of the fastest growing cities in Latin American, in the Caribbean, tourism all year round from all over the world, currency used for vacation rentals is the USD!

If you really want to make a big investment and have over $500,000.00 USD to spend you may get a beachfront property and those have huge ROI because who doesn’t want to rent beachfront! PLUS anything beachfront rents for at least $300 USD a NIGHT at Least that is during low season…which is only a few weeks of the year because we get tourists all year round!!

If you want to buy something a few blocks back price drops considerably to $200-$400,000.00 USD if you want something with two-three bedrooms, remember as long as you are close to 5th avenue and the beach you are set to go!

Reason 2  

Property taxes in Mexico are super LOW! 

Overloaded Piggy Bank

You’ll pay something between $50 and $350 annually for your property tax. YES ANNUALLY.

Property taxes will need to be paid on your property yearly. These taxes are paid at the municipal offices that correspond to the location of the property. Property tax is called “impuesto predial”. Your property has a Property Tax Account number, which is called your “Cuenta Catastral”. This is the number you need to provide to the municipal property tax authority in order to get your yearly Property Tax Assessment.

Reason 3 

Good weather all year round! this means…Tourism all year round! 



Playa Del Carmen has a subtropical climate, so its weather ranges from warm to hot for most of the year. The average temperature over the year is about 80ºF or 27ºC





Reason 4.

Diversity, culture, and the best food you will ever have!

Playa is such a diverse place, people from all over the world travel here, I am not exagerating I’ve met people from EVERYWHERE, so everyone is friendly and there is an atmosphere of tolerance and friendliness all over Playa, all the people that come here are sure to come back some day, if you are feeling gloomy, take a stroll down 5th and almost all the people you will see have a smile on their face!

The food is amazing, there are over 700 restaurants in Playa! so whatever comes to your mind, anything you might be craving, there is a high possibility you will find it here!

international-cuisine diversity







Reason 5

A place to spend vacations, lend to family members and Retire!

Maybe you don’t realize the huge advantage that comes from owning a place in the Caribbean…

Not only will you get a big paycheck every month, huge ROI, you will never pay a hotel in Playa again, you will be a proud owner in Playa…in the Caribbean. Imagine that!

Get help from the best Real Estate specialists to find exactly what you are looking for! For more Information click here


Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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