New State-of-the-Art Hospital in Playa

 You may have heard of some very good things happening recently concerning health-care here in the beautiful Playa del Carmen. On December 10 of 2010, the President of Mexico Felipe Calderón Hinojosa and State Governor Felix Gonzalez Canto, inaugurated the new state-of-the-art Hospital General de Zona (HGZ) number 18 of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).
In layman’s terms, Playa del Carmen and the surrounding region of the Riviera Maya now has a shiny new hospital surpassing standards of many North American medical institutions. This is very good news for the influx of Americans, Canadians and other foreigners having moved or planning on moving to the hugely popular and rapidly expanding area, on top of the excellent medical services that were already previously available.
The new high-tech infrastructure of HGZ number 18 will have four basic specialties; pediatrics, gynecology, orthopedics, general surgery, two operating rooms and same number of rooms expulsion (for deliveries), an intensive care unit and an emergency department. It will also prevent the need for secondary care patients having to be moved to the city of Cancun, further strengthening the quality of service to the entire population of the Riviera Maya and will strengthen the response capacity of health services in the state.
Governor Felix Gonzalez Canto, in his opening speech during the inauguration acknowledged the invaluable support of the federal government and the effective coordination of the three levels of government to enable this work in Quintana Roo.
It’s nice to know that you can receive the same, if not better, quality medical care in the beautiful Yucatan that you can receive in North America, paradise with all the bells and whistles.
Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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