Visitors from the sky in Chichen-Itza?

Are the Aliens coming down on Earth? We must wonder about it!!
Hector Siliezar, an American citizen went to Chichen Itza with his family in 2009. As everybody there, he was snapping photos. Once arrived in front of the Kukulkan pyramid, he wanted to catch this former with the cloudy day light. When he looked at his pictures on his I-phone, the last one showed a strange beam going down straight from the sky over the god pyramid. Obviously, it makes remind us alien movies as “Mars Attacks” when the Martians invaded our friendly planet. This picture was put center stage on doomsday forums. Ovniadepts had a new hot potato to talk about!! 
Few other fellows see a message from the gods. Maybe they are discreetly and quietly trying to show the Ones the way to escape the end of the world. Italians may go first
Anyway, according to expert Jonathan Hill, who worked in the mission Mars Space Flight Facility of Arizona state, this strange beam is neither a message from the gods (poor us!) nor an OVNI (lucky us!). This huge vertical light tunnel should come from an equipment error. Nothing extraordinary.  Jonathan Hill explains: “The intensity of the lightning flash likely caused the camera’s CCD sensor to behave in an unusual way, either causing an entire column of pixels to offset their values or causing an internal reflection [off the] camera lens that was recorded by the sensor.”(
Of course, the doubt will always remain… But here, in Playa Del Carmen, we are ready to welcome you, whether you are a god, an alien or a tourist. Let’s meet here on the Riviera Maya and talk about it! But hurry up, time is running fast.
Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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