Do you know Sofia Vergara, the famous Columbian actress and top model? She was in Mexico yesterday! Do you know where? In the Yucatan Peninsula, pretty close to Playa Del Carmen and to the Riviera Maya!
The star is born on the 10th of July in the year 1972 in Barranquilla in Columbia. 2012 is consequently is the year of her 40th birthday!!
To celebrate and remember this special date and moment, she decided to fly to Mexico and to spend her birthday celebration in an unique, particular and amazing place. Can you guess where? C… H…I…C…H…E…N….I…T…Z…A…!!!!
Yes, you read it well! She decided to celebrate her birthday in the historic monument classified pyramids of Chichen Itza.
She kindly invited 98 family members and friends of hers to enjoy all together this happy event.
Her birthday was open with a traditional Maya Ceremony!!
Too bad we were not invited!!
Chichen Itza |
American Development and Canada2Playa wish you a good day!