Mexican election and touristic promotion?? They are twins!
There are different ways to persuade people. The most common one is using a strong point, promoting it by producing items for instance and selling them. The Mexican candidates to the presidential elections have taught us how to do that during the past decades! Let’s look at it:

You can find obviously the classic-metal pin-badges. But let’s see the original ways of seducing people:
·         PRI-themed cigarettes were born in 1958 to promote the candidate Adolfo Lopes Mates. Later, PRI candidates innovated with party-branded cigarettes (no, the slogan was not “Smoke with us”, sorry if you are disappointed).  Soft drinks and even Tequila bottles with the candidates’ faces were produced!! Lucky Mexicans!! They were allowed to drink for their country!!

By the way, you can discover all of these objects currently in Mexico City. An exhibition about the Mexican political propaganda is organized at the Museo Del Objeto Del Objeto (MODO).

Yet, not only politicians understood how to promote assets.  Let see how Mexico does as well!
The Mexican regions have many secrets to reveal. By embodying the places characteristics, they are doing the same job as the presidential elections candidates. For instance:
  • If you go to Oaxaca, on the Pacific Coast, you will hear for sure about the MOLE. The mole is a culinary specialty. It is very complicated and takes very long to make. The result is amazing!
  • If you go to Tabasco, you will follow the Cacao Road and you will taste the chocolate in its most natural state (without any chemical and industrial change). Veracruz sells itself thanks to the coffee. We have to say, the coffee is by far one of the best. You should try it at least once if you can!
  •  Quintana-Roo‘s asset is, obviously, the Caribbean sea, the turquoise water but also the sand!!! It may appear a bit odd but Riviera Maya sand is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! It is even known all over the world. Why? Because IT NEVER BURNS YOUR FEET!!! Even if it is 35º Celsius out here! And the sand is so WHITE and fine, simply incredible!! It is pretty hard to look at it without sunglasses.

Usually people take some back home as souvenir. But, instead of having a sachet of sand which may tear in the suitcase, you should buy very nice items MADE OF SAND. In Playa Del Carmen, in the 5th avenue, you can find cups, plates, pots, pitcher and other plenty of decoration elements. They are cute, well-made, original, unique and typical. Nice gift to bring back with you.

Finally, if you need a suggestion for your meal, remember the one of and  :

Mole Poblano as main dish.
– A coffee from Veracruz with a piece of Tabasco Chocolate to close the meal.
Thus, you will discover “all” Mexico in Playa Del Carmen.

After a nice and relaxing nap under the Caribbean sun, you may either enjoy the transparent blue water or simply one of the delicious cocktails they have out here. And before going back home, you seize the opportunity to offer a very special gift to your loved ones with a nice item of sand almost seemingly bringing home that little piece of paradise to share so many wonderful memories, smells and feelings.
Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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