3 natural wonders in the Riviera Maya

The Riviera Maya is full of experiences. We have the gastronomic experiences that we can find in 5th avenue or in Tulum. The party experiences that you can have in one of the many nightclubs located in Playa del Carmen, Tulum, or Cancun. 

But sometimes we forgot about the most basic experiences. I’m talking about the experiences that you can get from nature. 

Have you ever experienced that feeling of losing your breath after seeing a sunset? Or that joy when you climb a mountain and find out that at the top there is this gorgeous view?  

If you are into that kind of experience, definitely the Riviera Maya is the perfect destination for you! 

There are a lot of natural wonders in the Riviera Maya, today I will give you my top 3. 

Sian kaan

The natural reserve of the biosphere in Sian Kaan has 9 ecosystems, 3 aquatic habitats, 120 kilometers of the Mesoamerican reef system, that includes 4 countries: Honduras, Guatemala, Belice, and Mexico. 

It’s the home of a huge number of residents and migrants, such as the rare Jabiru, the biggest stork of the continent, besides that, is the home of 4 species in danger of extinction such as the Jaguar, Tapir, Manati, and Pecari. 

When you arrive at the place, you will be surprised about the number of different animals in the same area.  It’s perfect to take a swim on the lagoon and enjoy the sunset while you see all the birds flying away. 

Bacalar Lagoon


One of the most peaceful places in the Riviera Maya, also known as the “Laguna de los 7 colores”. The name came after the visual effects that the lagoon offers you, you can see 7 different shades of blue in this lagoon. 

This lagoon is part of a bigger lagoon system of 55 kilometers that connects the Chetumal bay with the Hondo River. 

There are a lot of little hotels that are just next to the lagoon, so you will be able to wake up and dive into this beautiful lagoon. 

The lagoon is not that deep, so you can make water activities without any danger. 


Yal-Ku Natural Aquarium


This place makes you forget at all about the beach. Yes, it’s true, even when you are in a place with one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. This natural place is home to different kinds of fish of different colors. 

If you are a fan of aquatic activities such as snorkeling, you will fall in love with this place, since it is famous for its crystal clear waters and a great variety of multicolored fish that you will be able to appreciate with the right equipment.

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We know that the Riviera Maya is full of activities and a lot of comfortable places. If you stay in an All-Inclusive Resort you may find it difficult to leave, but believe me, it is totally worth it. 

These places will steal your heart, and if you have kids, you must take them.  Believe me, there is nothing better than they connect with nature, they will understand the importance of taking care of them. 

It will also help you to disconnect for a few hours and enjoy the simple things of life. Sometimes that is the only thing that we need to know how lucky we are. 





Picture of Eduardo from All About Playa

Eduardo from All About Playa

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